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The best way to try euphonium is to flash a prebuilt version. However, if you want to build it yourself, or help out with development, you will need a few dependencies to get this project to build.

Checkout code~

When checking out the repository, use --recursive to retrieve all submodules. Alternately, after checkout use git submodule update --init --recursive to perform the same task.

git clone --recursive

Setting up web UI bundler~

First, a required step is to setup all of the dependencies required to build the web UI.


Python needs to be installed on your system. Ensure that you have pip installed. This can be done by

python -m ensurepip --upgrade

Then we can install the needed dependencies by using the requirements.txt file. Execute this command to install the needed dependencies (from the root of the project):

pip install -r requirements.txt


you need at least version 14. Precompiled distrobution packages with installation instructions can be found here:


Npm should be included in the nodesource package. Otherwise the installation is platform specific, but mostly just comes down to installing it through a package manager.


be careful: don't install yarn from default package repository on Debian or Ubuntu. It would install the package cmdtest for you. To be sure you may run sudo apt remove cmdtest first.

The right package can be installed with:

corepack enable
yarn set version stablerm -rf bu        

Setting up dependencies for target platform~

Depending on the target platform, (esp32 or cli) the dependencies are differnt.

Desktop specific dependencies~

  • PortAudio library
  • OpenSSL library

both can be installed with a package manager.

If you are on macOS then we can do this with brew:

brew install OpenSSL PortAudio

If you are on Ubuntu/Debian you can install with:

sudo apt install libmbedtls-dev protobuf-compiler openssl libasound-dev portaudio19-dev libportaudio2 libportaudiocpp0

Needed libs on Linux~

When building on linux you will also need the follwoing dependency: libavahi-compat-libdnssd-dev. This can be installed by

sudo apt-get install libavahi-compat-libdnssd-dev

ESP32-Specific dependencies~

As an alternative you can install VSCode ( and open the euphonium folder. VSCode should recommend the following extensions to you: - "espressif.esp-idf-extension" - "platformio.platformio-ide" (optional) - "berry.berry" (optional)

In this case the installation of ESP-IDF is managed by vscode.
If the extensions are installed you can open the ESP-IDF terminal (STRG + E followed by T) and continue building as described below.

Hint for Linux Mint~

In order for the CLI build to work on Linux Mint I had to add a little extra CLI arg to the cmake command, as it doesn't know how to find the correct library it would seem. Maybe this could be added directly into the cmake setup?

To fully compile the cli on Linux Mint execute the following


Building and installing the project - Desktop~

For a desktop run, please run the following commands


cd targets/cli
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..



This will output a binary euphoniumcli which can be later executed to run the platform. The web-ui will be available on port 80 by default. If you have trouble using port 80 (on Linux for example), use cmake .. -D HTTP_SERVER_PORT=8080 to change the web-ui port.

Building and installing the project - ESP32~

For ESP32 target, please run following commands (with esp-idf in the PATH)


cd targets/esp32


For full flash:

sh {serialport}
For app-only flash:
sh {serialport}
For spiffs only flash (berry scripts, webui, configuration):
sh {serialport}

Development improvements~

There are a few tricks to make the development faster

Preconfiguration of WIFI and DAC~

Every flash of the spiffs partition will reset the internal configuration. It's a bit of a pain when dealing with esp32, as you have to deal with reconfiguration of the system through the AP network with every flash. To avoid this, you can preconfigure the WiFi settings (any any other setting!) to be included in the flashed partition.

To configure WiFi, create a file inside of euphonium/scripts/configuration folder, named wifi.config.json, containing following data

    "ssid": "YOUR NETWORK SSID",
    "password": " YOUR NETWORK PASSWORD"

After rerunning the reflash_spiffs script WiFi is going to be preconfigured :)